Welcome Spring!
Yesterday, my dear friend Tracy invited me
to join her for a drive. She mentioned she was
bringing her camera, so of course I brought mine.
(If you've visited her remarkable blog you're acquainted with her gifts for photography and writing, to name a few.)
Well we were driving along, chatting away, enjoying
a beautiful blue sky morning, when suddenly Tracy pulled into
the driveway of our knitting friend, Ginny Space.
Tracy making friends. |
Stretching along a main road in our town,
the Space family farm always entertains passers-by
with its flock of grazing sheep, playful goats
and as I saw today, excitable pink pigs running amuck!
Thanks to Tracy, this spontaneous stop brought
this girl and her camera much joy and delight.
I just had to share these little fellas with you.
What other discoveries are being made this weekend?
George, as in Washington.
Can you spot Paul Revere? Benjamin Franklin?
This, my friends, is what remains of the first (very
patriotic) wall paper my parents put on the walls of
the same house my husband, A. and I presently call home.
Wanting to freshen up our first floor, this weekend
Hubby & I are stripping wallpaper and painting.
What we uncovered isn't old wallpaper stuck to the wall.
No. Let's go back, shall we?
When my two brothers were 5 and 3 years old
(I'm innocent! I hadn't arrived on the scene yet)
they managed one morning to quietly come down
the stairs of this brand new home without
waking Mom or Dad. They proceeded to open
a large tub of Crisco, dug in their little hands
and began "painting" the walls.
And then the cabinets, a few door knobs,
the toilet seat...any and every thing at their height!
Uncovered 43 years later, it seems the Crisco
transferred the ink from the wallpaper onto the sheetrock.
Seeing this lettering instantly brought back many
happy childhood memories. Because I'll be painting
over it I regret that I won't see this writing on the wall again.
Well, at least I'll have these photos.
I sure wish I had a photo of the look on my Mom's face
when she came downstairs that morning!