Chocolate-Nut Hand Pies
are a tender, flakey way to celebrate
Silver Trumpet Style's 2nd Blogiversary!
This simple treat was a spring board from a dessert
my dear friend Tracy made for one of our BITE dinners.
You can find her recipe here,
(scroll down to Transylvania Dinner, Chocolate Walnut Strudel)
and these are the simple changes I made:
4 oz. of chopped Lindt Dark Chocolate bar with Currants.
Puff pastry dough cut into 4" diameter circles.
Place about 1 Tbsp. of the filling in the center of each circle.
Brush the edges with a beaten egg before folding
the pastry in half and pressing fork tines around the edge.
Now for the give-away:
Winner's choice of one Silver Trumpet zipper pouch!
The winner will be selected from those of you who kindly
leave a comment sharing your best party tradition.
Is the same cake recipe made for every birthday?
Is there a scavenger hunt for gifts? Party games?
Share your favorite party tradition and
be sure to include an email address ("dot com"),
or link to your blog or FB page.
The winner will be announced next week.
I hope you will love to call one of these zipper pouches
your own or know someone special who would!
Thank you all for visiting Silver Trumpet Style.
You make it all worth sharing!