Sunday, August 18, 2013

On a Whim

 I recently uncovered some old
bundled silk and onion skin experiments, 
(the lower piece shown in the above photo)
and on a whim, I threw one into yesterday's
pot of French Marigolds.
The aroma brought me back to growing 
marigolds in Sunday school. 
(Funny, as a kid these were my least favorite flowers.) 
Fellow bathers: silk noil and embroidered silk chiffon.
Supporting players: Alum and cream of tartar.
Now out of the bath, the patches of onion skin 
shimmer a much richer yellow-orange. Gorgeous!
 (Original again shown underneath.) 
Phew! That whim that paid off, 
and now it's destined to be incorporated in 
a special series of quilts currently under way.
....More on those later!

It's time for August's vote in my ongoing
 Personal Pie Challenge.
Have a look at my Pies Board on Pinterest 
and cast your vote here in Comments. 
I'll make the winning vote and post
before the end of the month.
As they say, pick me a winner! 


  1. Lovely shades of yellow! Since we are in the peak of plum season, I vote for either the plum tart, or the poached plum pie - YUM!
