Wednesday, November 13, 2013


"Craftivism is a way of looking at life where voicing
opinions through creativity makes your voice stronger, 
your compassion deeper & your quest for
justice more infinite."

-Craftivist, Betsy Greer

I had the good fortune of being invited by my
dear friend Cheri to attend the opening 
of this powerful show. 
If you're in the Syracuse area, it's truly a moving  
collection of work not to be missed. 

An excerpt from ArtRage Gallery's postcard:

Spoken Threads is a collection of fiber art
that takes its inspiration from the traditional
women-made crafts such as quilting, 
knitting, weaving, sewing and cross-stitch.
It features women artists from across the USA, 
including Central New York,
as well as those from Canada and the UK who use 
their art to speak wisdom on a variety of social and 
environmental issues. During the time of year 
that many consumers reach for something mass-produced
off an end-cap display, this exhibition is a celebration
of the handmade. 

November 9 - December 21, 2013

ArtRage Gallery hours: 
W, Th, F 2-7pm
Sat 12-4pm
505 Hawley Ave., Syracuse


  1. I love the word and the definition of craftivism!, I am not sure if I will make it up to the show, but it sounds just wonderful!

    1. I'm hoping the gallery will post photos from the show on their website, but an integral part of experiencing each piece is reading each artist's bio and statement. Really moving.
